In the German noble House of Hesse and the Rhine Elisabeth Alexandra Luise Alice, daughter of Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse and the Rhine and Princess Alice was born on November 1, 1864. Her maternal grandmother was Queen Victoria of England, so that Elizabeth’s childhood was marked by the English language and etiquette rather than by the German she spoke to her father. With a considerable fortune and a high social position, the family, however, avoided opulence. In addition to domestic work, Princess Alice was also one of those who took care directly of the wounded in the Austro-Prussian War. The Almost idyllic atmosphere in which Elizabeth grew up was disturbed for the first time in 1878 when, following an outbreak of diphtheria, her younger sister, Mary, and her mother, Alice, died.
As she grew older, Elizabeth took on the reputation of being one of the most beautiful women in Europe. Wilhelm II, future German Emperor, met her in Bonn, where he courted her intensely and wrote poetry for her. He was politely rejected, as was another contender, Frederick II, the future Grand Duke of Baden. Her Attire and attitude only attracted more and more admirers. Queen Mary of Romania wrote in memoirs about her cousin, Ella, that her beauty and sweetness were "dreamlike". Among the many noble relatives, guests from East also arrived at the court of the Princess . Her grandaunt, Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia brought two of her sons, Serghei and Paul. With the first, Elizabeth - or Ella, as she was called - quickly discovered affinities. Both were sober, religious and passionate about art. When the Russian Grand Duke’s parents had died, Elizabeth recognized him the the same pain she had gone through at her mother’s passing into eternity. At a second marriage proposal, she agrred. The marriage took place on June 15, 1884, the Winter Palace in St Petersburg and noble offspring of Anglo-German family became Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, ten years before her sister, Alexandra, became Tsarina (Empress) of Russia . Both her new family and the Russian people grew into loving her for her beauty, kindness and distinguished attitude. Lovingly embracing her new people, Grand Duchess has penetrated the most intimate resorts, hidden places of its heart and, enlightened by a new understanding of life and people, in 1891 she converted from the Lutheran faith she was baptized in to Orthodoxy. The joy of her close relatives was immense joy and her husband gave her a copy of an icon of Christ “not made by hand”, but not all her relatives in Europe favored this change. Prussian Emperor Wilhelm II even claimed that Elizabeth was forced to do so. But the Grand Duchess answered all of them that remaining in her old denomination would have meant to lie to God. "Above all one's conscience must be pure and true... many will -- I know -- scream about (it), yet I feel it brings me nearer to God... You tell me that the outer brilliance of the church charmed me... in that you are mistaken -- nothing in the outer signs attracted me -- no -- the service, the service, the outer signs are only to remind us of the inner things." Of all the illustrious relatives of Elizabeth, Queen Victoria of England was the one who understood her and supported her the most.
In 1892, with the appointment of Serghei as Governor General of Moscow, the pair moved into one wing of the Kremlin, spending summers at a residence where Elizabeth organized parties for children. With no children of their own, Grand Duchess and her husband adopted the two orphaned grandchildren of the latter, Dmitri Pavlovich and Maria Pavlovna.
On February 18, 1905, Grand Duchess Elizabeth heard a powerful blast, while preparing to leave the house, a and reached the street just as a military gathered under a blanket the dismembered bodily remains of her husband, Serghei, who was assassinated with a bomb by revolutionary Socialist Ivan Kalyayev. The entourage later remembered Elizabeth’s noble suffering. Although deeply sorrowful, she kept the decency of a princely attitude and didn’t forget compassion, not for one moment. She hurried to go to visit the coachman, severely wounded in the explosion, on his hospital bed, and when asked about the health of the Grand Duke, his widow answered, "He sent me to you". And so the man could die in peace. Her power to forgive also proved to be great when she went to visit the killer in prison. Kalyayev said that he didn’t want to kill her and that he had delayed the attack several times just because she was near the Grand Duke. "Ddn’t you see that by killing him you were killing me?” Elizabeth replied, leaving him a Gospel and asking him to think of the sin he committed and to repent. Then she asked her brother-in-law, Nicholas II, to pardon him. But the killer refused to pardon and accused Elizabeth of having distorted the conversation. On May 23, 1905 he was hanged, and Grand Duchess said saddened that although she failed in her visit, she hoped that even at the last minute the killer would ask forgiveness from God. On the memorial cross erected in memory of late Grand Duke Serghei, the widow had the words uttered by Christ on those who crucified Him: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Since the death of her husband, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova never ate meat at all, and in 1909 she renounced all her jewelry, giving a part to the Crown, another to some relatives and selling another, using the money for charity. Then she founded the Holy Monastery of Martha and Mary, named after the two women of Bethany, sisters of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The place from the Gospel is known, when Martha is tiring herself to make a feast for the Lord, while Mary sits at His feet listening to His the words. This inspired Elizabeth, to combine the divine services with the ministry for Christ, seen in every poor fellow who needed help. Thus, gathering around her many sisters - some very poor, others from Russian noble houses - Elizabeth put on feet a hospital, a chapel, a pharmacy and an orphanage, often going through the poorest neighborhoods of Moscow, to help those in need. The seventeen women that the Grand Duchess gathered around her bore the name of sisters of love and mercy. Their work was carried out under the spiritual guidance of Archpriest Mitrofan Serebrianski, which also served the divine services, and strong support came also from the Russian Patriarch, Tikhon. Sisters gave material and spiritual aid to the poor, housed and cared for orphaned or abandoned children, ran a school for nurses of the Red Cross, hosted women with poor material situation for free or for a low rent, established the Female Labor Organization, and had a ward for incurable sick, they kept until their death. Desperate cases came here, because all Russian doctors trusted the professionalism of nurses led by Elizabeth, so that women with severe burns or gangrene were cured under their care, while others learned here to read Braille. The only moments of rest which Elizabeth allowed herself were pilgrimages to holy places in Russia. Otherwise she was living in 3 single rooms, with a wooden bed without mattress, sleeping 3-4 hours per night and waking up at midnight for the service. During the Russo-Japanese War, but also after the outbreak of World War I, she often went to war with her sister, Empress Alexandra, to care for those suffering. During these actions, the two have been accused for the attentive care they were providing for wounded Germans as well. Known for her tenacity and influence at the court of the Tsar, Elizabeth received many petitions and tried to answer them all, except those that were clearly political. One of the few times when her pleas to her sister failed was when Elizabeth tried to open her eyes about Rasputin's evil influence. Despite the advice and evidence brought by Grand Duchess, the Tsarina thought of him as a saint.
Living a life similar to that of nuns for a while already, Grand Duchess Elizabeth officially entered the monastic order on April 2, 1910. One of her desires was to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Places in Palestine, the land touched by the feet of Jesus.
The arrival of the Bolshevik revolution didn’t trouble Elizabeth, who just began to pray more, seeing in those rebels children deceived by the enemies of Russia. "Russia and her children do not know what they do now," she said. "They are like a sick child you love one hundred times more in this condition than when he is healthy and happy. You long to ease suffering, to help him and teach him patience. That I feel more and more every day.” At first, to the surprise all, Communists left the sisters alone and even helped them with food for their charitable activities. Soon, however, a group came that accused Elizabeth of spying for the Germans and wanted to arrest her. The Grand Duchess remained calm and told the accusers that she would follow, but before that she must pray. Those came with her and, won over by her simplicity and lack of any dangerous materials in the monastery, went away leaving the sisters free. What was source of joy and admiration for the others, brought a different conclusion for Elizabeth, which speaks of her spiritual perception: "We aren’t yet worthy of martyrdom," she told those who congratulated her tact and performance . Sensing what would follow, German Emperor - the same one that housed Lenin and sent him back to Russia - he suggested Elizabeth, through the Swedish cabinet minister, to flee to the West. The Grand Duchess answered she knew hard times would come, but wanted to share the fate of her country and its people.
In 1918 Lenin ordered the Cheka (future KGB) to arrest the Grand Duchess. She was initially taken into exile and told she would work for the Red Cross, then brought to Perm, and from there to Yekaterinburg, where she was supposed to meet the Tsar’s family, which was however denied. She left agroup of grieving nuns behind, going into exile with just one disciple, Barbara Yakovleva. From Yekaterinburg is known that she wrote twice to her confessor, Father Mitrofan, once to tell him about her guard, made up of Lithuanians who from very harsh at first became meek, which led to them being replaced with tougher Russians, and once to ask the Patriarch Tikhon to mediate so that she could get food without meat.
On May 20, 1918 she was transferred to the village Alopayevsk, where she was installed under surveillance in a former school, with her apprentice with Barbara and other representatives of the Russian nobility: Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, accompanied by his assistant, Remez, Grand Dukes Ivan Constantine and George and Count Vladimir Konstantinovich Paely. The exiles could go out sometimes, and Elizabeth went to church, worked in the vegetable and flower garden, painted and prayed. Except for common meals, she was eating alone in her room. Despite the Bolshevik propaganda in full swing, the locals loved her and, occasionally, got in contact with her. Once she received a traditional towel as a gift from them.
Apparently the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family was directly related to what would happen to Grand Duchess Elizabeth and her fellows. The Cheka people told the exiles, the night of July 17, that they had to take them to another safer place. All their money was taken from them and they were blindfolded. The only one who resisted was Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, which the Bolsheviks shot him in the arm. The group was taken to a nearby village, with an old, abandoned, half-flooded mine. After being beaten, the exiles were thrown into a pit of the mine, the first being even Elizabeth. Vasily Riabov, one of the assassins, says that he and his comrades threw two grenades into the pit, where the victims began to sing "save, Lord, Thy people.” Finally the killers threw wood in the mine and set it afire. Then they sounded the alarm in Alopayevsk, saying that the Grand Duchess and others had been abducted by an unidentified group. Later telegrams exchanged between the heads of the Cheka were discovered, whom had planned the assassination of the Tsar’s family and now were making up lies about so-called mysterious disappearance of the exiles.
A peasant who heard Russian religious hymns coming from the mine, announced the White Army. In October 1918 the whites took over the village, defeating the Bolsheviks, and found the remains in the mine. Elizabeth and her fellows had died from injuries caused by their fall, because none of the two grenades did explode. The Grand Duchess had an icon of Christ on her chest. Although in agony, she had managed to improvise a bandage for the head of dying Prince Ivan. Her body, untouched by corruption, and the others were buried in the cathedral of Alopayevsk. Then, as the Bolsheviks regained ground, they were moved to Irkutsk and finally, in 1920, to Beijing. The Communists have pursued those they had killed even after death, so that at the Russian-Chinese border they succeeded, attacking the train, to throw off the coffin of Grand Duke Ivan Konstantinovich on the rails, being ultimately stopped by Chinese troops. In Beijing the Russian nobles were buried in the Russian cemetery and, in December, the bodies of Elizabeth and Barbara were taken to Jerusalem, with the intervention of the Grand Duchess’ sister, Marchioness of Milford-Haven. They were met with fast and solemnity by British authorities, representatives of Russian and Greek clergy and by the Patriarch Damian of Jerusalem, and buried in the church of St. Mary Magdalene, on Mount Gethsemane. Here the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova had once dreamed can come once again, in the places of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ, where she finally found her rest. In 1981 she was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and her holiness was recognized in 1992 by the Russian Orthodox Church, where she is honored ever since by the name of Saint New Martyr Elizabeth. Her memory remained alive in England as ell, where her statue is located at Westminster Abbey, among the other martyrs of all denominations in the twentieth century.
The Holy Monastery of Martha and Mary still exists today, hosting about ninety nuns. It is one of the signs left in the world by the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England, sister-in-law of the last Russian Tsar, princess, noble, with a great culture, an acclaimed beauty and an extraordinary gentleness. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna gave all she had to Christ and to her fellow-men and now her name becomes known once again, maybe as a foundation in the Lord of the rebirth of a world and of a way of living that perished, more than half a century ago, in the flames of rebellion.
Epilogue: In July 2004, Elizabeth Feodorovna’s relics were brought in procession to Russia. I was in Moscow and although I knew nothing about this martyr, I went to worship her in the cathedral of Christ the Savior. Then I began to find out a little about her life. Short time after, I went through hardships at the Russian-Ukrainian border. And I prayed to the saint, promising that if she would help me to get home safely, I would tell others about her life and passion. With much delay, here, today, I fulfill this duty.
Holy New Martyr Holy Elizabeth, pray to God for us! Amen
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Obama and the Radical Left - As Artists Are Awaken
I start the English version of my blog by reproducing a letter published by heavy-metal artist Blackie Lawless of Wasp, concerning the latest elections in the United States. This is a way of shedding some light on the mainstream way of thinking and of tempering the enthusiasm of those who see the new president of the US as an apostle of freedom.
by Blackie Lawless
“We the people of the United States’. These are the first 7 words of the Constitution of the United States of America. As I stood in the reception area of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. early this year, a large recreation of that Constitution was posted on the wall. It’s the first thing you see as you enter the building. “We the People of the United States”, I stared at it and said: “I’d die for that idea”!
I’ve written in the past, I love my country, but I’m scared to death of its government. That idea for me has taken a new twist in this coming election.
I’d first like to point out that I am not a John McCain supporter. I have been critical of the U. S. Government for years, and I, like most of my fellow Americans am angry and frustrated with the lying, manipulation and partisanship of the elected officials, both local and national, Democrat and Republican, of this country.
The Founding Fathers of this Country wrote this Constitution, with all it’s Amendments, as THE Cornerstone that this country would be governed by.
We Americans now find ourselves on the eve of, without a doubt, THE most important election of our lifetime.
In a time of World uncertainty, the volatility of the global financial Markets, the Middle East at war, Russia invading Georgia, Iran and North Korea attempting to develop nuclear weapons and with that Iran threatening to “Wipe Israel Off the Map”, the entire world is at a dangerous point in history.
I grew up and lived with the ideals and philosophy of the “Counter Culture” Generation. “Peace and Love”, “ Flower Power”, “Stop the War”, Never Trust anybody Over 30”.
“Stop the War” was absolutely correct! Vietnam was a disaster and more than 50,000 U. S. Soldiers died for that mistake.
But the rest was a load of naïve, idealist, “we can change the world”, CRAP!
Not that some of those sentiments weren’t a good idea. It’s just that this generation of self-serving, selfish, spoiled brats has now come of age. They are the ones that now have perpetuated the greed and the lies of the Wall Street Bailout and a laundry list of other political atrocities too numerous to mention. The weakness of true conviction to teach their children about the values and history of this Nation. Their children know nothing of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Washington, Lincoln or the understanding that this Great Nation was built on the Dreams, the Tears, the back breaking Labor, the unending sacrifice and the Blood spilled by the generations before them that sacrificed their all, including the men and women that gave their lives, a
nd the ones that will give their lives in defense of this “Great Experiment”, this Great American Dream.If you don’t think so, go up to most any of their kids on the street and ask them about the Founding Fathers. More than likely they’ll think its some new rap group. It’s not just a glimpse into poor enlightenment. It’s an indictment on their parents.
The generation that was going to change the world certainly did. Their gluttony for botox, living on credit cards, busy being fabulous and its all about me, me, me cause I’m better than you. “All You Need is Love”…. I’m sorry pal, you missed the boat, all you really need is some guts and character. I’m disgusted and ashamed to be part of it.
Instead, that generation with their ‘Woodstock / Marxist” Scream - Dream are the ones which now control the majority of the mainstream media in this country. That includes almost all Television and almost all Newspapers. They are the ones that now bring the extreme liberal, radical 60’s utopian vision of their world to the American people. The extreme liberal bias of the mainstream American Media which are now controlled by these “Yuppies” have conspired to deceive, manipulate, suppress the truth, promote their candidate at all costs and bury any story that does not put a halo around the head of that candidate.
It is with this that the American People are brought Barak Obama.
This man is a product of that Extreme Leftist – Marxist movement that has been building in this country for over 40 years. He is a product of the Harvard far left. He is the face and mouthpiece of a movement that is Hell Bent on breaking up the U. S. Constitution and reassembling it to conform to their vision. He is a lawyer, the Democratic Johnny Cochran, in which every time he speaks gives a closing argument. He is the embodiment of the New Democratic Machine.
When I was a kid everyone I knew were Democrats, but these are not your fathers Democrats anymore. They are part of some liberal elite that looks down on the ideals that made this Country great.
This Leftist Machine has hidden the truth from the American People (and the World) and continues to deceive at any cost.
Right now, as I write, the L. A. Times Newspaper has a videotape, which it refuses to release to the American Public, which shows Obama at a farewell dinner celebration for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Spokesman Rashid Khalidi. He was also a spokesman for Yassir Arafat. In this tape are the recorded verbal attacks on Israel and the Israeli People and reference to Israel as a terrorist state. Reportedly, the Domestic terrorist Bill Ayres, who as part of the “Weather Underground” terrorist organization bombed several U. S. targets including the Pentagon and the home of a U. S. Judge and killing 2 policemen in the process, was also at this dinner. Obama has been close friends with Khalidi and Ayers for many years. The oath of President requires that the President will “protect the United States against all enemies, both Foreign AND Domestic”.
Guess he didnt read that part!
Now, what should be of utmost concern to the American People are the repeated denials by Obama, that he has no ties to any of these people. If he has nothing to hide why not be truthful with the American Public and request the L. A. Times to release this videotape for us all to see. If it turns out to be nothing then at least the truth will be served.
From Obama’s 20 year association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright who has repeatedly said: ”It’s not God Bless America, No, No, No, Its God Damn America!
Obama sat in Wrights church and listened to this Treason for 20 years. Wright also performed Obama’s marriage and Baptized both of his children. Obama was an organizer for Acorn, the group now accused of massive voter registration fraud. Some working for Acorn have already been jailed for this. Obama was also Acorns lawyer for a time. Obama recently donated over $800,000 to Acorn.
He accuses Americans for “clinging to their guns and religion”.
Never in the history of the United States has any Presidential candidate had a shroud of controversy surround them as has Obama. If someone would have told me 2 years ago that anybody with these associations could get nominated for their party, or even dog catcher, much less President of the United States, I would have said your insane.
My reasons for starting this letter with the first line of the Constitution is to reference a radio interview Obama did in which he says the U. S. Supreme Court did not go far enough in attempting to provide reparations to African- Americans and that the Earl Warren edition of the Supreme Court was not liberal enough. That Court was probably the most liberal in U.S. history. It is not the job of the Supreme Court to be liberal or conservative. It is to interpret the Constitution… period. It is not to legislate from the bench based on the “general consensus of the people” as stated in a recent Supreme Court ruling, but rather to make its rulings based on the precise wording of the Constitution. If at some point “the people” wish to have any new amendment to the Constitution based on their modern day ideals, then all 50 states must ratify it….period.
This is the Obama quote from that interview with radio station WBEZ.FM in Chicago. This is not taken out of context. It is the entire quote:
“The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that”.
These are things he would NEVER say in front of a national audience. He only says and does these things when he thinks his base group is listening. In this interview he is making it clear that if elected, he would nominate Supreme Court Justices that will put forth his agenda’s, “redistribution of wealth”, his idea of “economic justice” and “redistributive change” which are other words for reparations for slavery and a Marxist redistribution of wealth which is no more than welfare.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence about ‘Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness. This PURSUIT is not a guarantee of wealth or any form of happiness, but the chance to raise one-self up. This government never has, nor ever will, nor ever should provide for anything more than this.
It is ironic that Obama’s supporters so often refer to him as a new John F. Kennedy.
Senator Obama should be reminded that it was JFK in his inaugural address that said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you country”.
That is the TRUE American Spirit !
On the issue of taxes, in effort to “spread the wealth around” he first defined the rich as making $300,000 then he said it was $250,000 then he said $200,000, then a few days ago Joe Biden said it would be $150,000. So, what’s the real number? This is more about him not being truthful with the public.
Will all of his tax schemes of taxing anyone who makes over $250,000 (or whatever it is) a year destroy our economy, yeah, just like Jimmy Carter did in the 70’s and Herbert Hoover before him. It’s not the individual that makes that much money that’s the issue. If this were only about individuals then that could be argued. But what he doesn’t tell you is what it does to businesses. Most any business that creates that much revenue MUST employ a number of people. If the business is taxed upwards of 30% or more then those jobs are gone…its that simple.
There have been a lot of charges about racism in this election from the Obama side. I personally have never been a racist. Any of you that know me, know I’ve said many times that after my Father, Muhammad Ali has been the biggest influence in my life.
But there definitely is racism in this election. 96 to 97% of African-Americans polled in this election say they will vote for Obama. Never in the history of this country has ANY candidate ever had such overwhelming numbers from any group. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian or other. The traveling Political, Racist, Circus called Acorn, which Obama worked with for years, is creating and sponsoring voter fraud across the country by registering illegal immigrants, the Dallas Cowboys and Mickey Mouse. This is no joke. Acorn has actually done this and much, much more. Their belief is win …. at any cost…. the Constitution be Dammed! If that’s not prejudice, I don’t know what is.
The books Obama has written about himself are very clear as to his true ambitions concerning his Leftist, Marxist views but the average person will not take the time to read them, In the 1920’s while in prison, a young Adolf Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) which outlined his entire plan for World Domination and the extermination of the Jewish race. No one would read it, and then when they did it was too late…. any book that was not approved by the Nazi Party was burned. The “Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx at one time, was required reading in our schools. This book is Obama’s “How To” guide with his ideal of the “Redistribution of Wealth”. If you don’t think so, go back and look at the above radio interview. Somewhere Karl Marx with his Godless, Utopian vision is laughing in delight.
If it is true that “What is Past, is Prologue” then we need look no further than Obama’s books. His blueprint is there in black and white. Literally and figuratively.
I will vote for McCain, not because I believe in all he stands for, but as a mandate against Obama, to keep him from becoming President. Yes, I will cling to my guns and my religion, and continue to believe in the Constitution, the Cornerstone of our society and trust that this is STILL a ”Government of the People, By the People, For the People”.
The point of all this is, that no matter whatever any of us encounter in life, look for the truth. The truth can and will stand up to anything. If that truth cannot stand up to scrutiny then you must see it and call it for what it truly is.
If any would be Messiah comes along and he looks like it, acts like it and smells like it then you call him what he truly is… a Marxist, in Socialist clothing!
I challenge all Americans to go back and READ the Constitution of the United States, READ the Declaration of Independence.
Decide for Yourself
God Help Us. … God Bless America
I encourage anyone who understands this letter and is moved to action, to send this letter in an email to everyone you know, to all who will listen!
by Blackie Lawless
“We the people of the United States’. These are the first 7 words of the Constitution of the United States of America. As I stood in the reception area of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. early this year, a large recreation of that Constitution was posted on the wall. It’s the first thing you see as you enter the building. “We the People of the United States”, I stared at it and said: “I’d die for that idea”!
I’ve written in the past, I love my country, but I’m scared to death of its government. That idea for me has taken a new twist in this coming election.
I’d first like to point out that I am not a John McCain supporter. I have been critical of the U. S. Government for years, and I, like most of my fellow Americans am angry and frustrated with the lying, manipulation and partisanship of the elected officials, both local and national, Democrat and Republican, of this country.
The Founding Fathers of this Country wrote this Constitution, with all it’s Amendments, as THE Cornerstone that this country would be governed by.
We Americans now find ourselves on the eve of, without a doubt, THE most important election of our lifetime.
In a time of World uncertainty, the volatility of the global financial Markets, the Middle East at war, Russia invading Georgia, Iran and North Korea attempting to develop nuclear weapons and with that Iran threatening to “Wipe Israel Off the Map”, the entire world is at a dangerous point in history.
I grew up and lived with the ideals and philosophy of the “Counter Culture” Generation. “Peace and Love”, “ Flower Power”, “Stop the War”, Never Trust anybody Over 30”.
“Stop the War” was absolutely correct! Vietnam was a disaster and more than 50,000 U. S. Soldiers died for that mistake.
But the rest was a load of naïve, idealist, “we can change the world”, CRAP!
Not that some of those sentiments weren’t a good idea. It’s just that this generation of self-serving, selfish, spoiled brats has now come of age. They are the ones that now have perpetuated the greed and the lies of the Wall Street Bailout and a laundry list of other political atrocities too numerous to mention. The weakness of true conviction to teach their children about the values and history of this Nation. Their children know nothing of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Washington, Lincoln or the understanding that this Great Nation was built on the Dreams, the Tears, the back breaking Labor, the unending sacrifice and the Blood spilled by the generations before them that sacrificed their all, including the men and women that gave their lives, a
nd the ones that will give their lives in defense of this “Great Experiment”, this Great American Dream.If you don’t think so, go up to most any of their kids on the street and ask them about the Founding Fathers. More than likely they’ll think its some new rap group. It’s not just a glimpse into poor enlightenment. It’s an indictment on their parents.
The generation that was going to change the world certainly did. Their gluttony for botox, living on credit cards, busy being fabulous and its all about me, me, me cause I’m better than you. “All You Need is Love”…. I’m sorry pal, you missed the boat, all you really need is some guts and character. I’m disgusted and ashamed to be part of it.
Instead, that generation with their ‘Woodstock / Marxist” Scream - Dream are the ones which now control the majority of the mainstream media in this country. That includes almost all Television and almost all Newspapers. They are the ones that now bring the extreme liberal, radical 60’s utopian vision of their world to the American people. The extreme liberal bias of the mainstream American Media which are now controlled by these “Yuppies” have conspired to deceive, manipulate, suppress the truth, promote their candidate at all costs and bury any story that does not put a halo around the head of that candidate.
It is with this that the American People are brought Barak Obama.
This man is a product of that Extreme Leftist – Marxist movement that has been building in this country for over 40 years. He is a product of the Harvard far left. He is the face and mouthpiece of a movement that is Hell Bent on breaking up the U. S. Constitution and reassembling it to conform to their vision. He is a lawyer, the Democratic Johnny Cochran, in which every time he speaks gives a closing argument. He is the embodiment of the New Democratic Machine.
When I was a kid everyone I knew were Democrats, but these are not your fathers Democrats anymore. They are part of some liberal elite that looks down on the ideals that made this Country great.
This Leftist Machine has hidden the truth from the American People (and the World) and continues to deceive at any cost.
Right now, as I write, the L. A. Times Newspaper has a videotape, which it refuses to release to the American Public, which shows Obama at a farewell dinner celebration for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Spokesman Rashid Khalidi. He was also a spokesman for Yassir Arafat. In this tape are the recorded verbal attacks on Israel and the Israeli People and reference to Israel as a terrorist state. Reportedly, the Domestic terrorist Bill Ayres, who as part of the “Weather Underground” terrorist organization bombed several U. S. targets including the Pentagon and the home of a U. S. Judge and killing 2 policemen in the process, was also at this dinner. Obama has been close friends with Khalidi and Ayers for many years. The oath of President requires that the President will “protect the United States against all enemies, both Foreign AND Domestic”.
Guess he didnt read that part!
Now, what should be of utmost concern to the American People are the repeated denials by Obama, that he has no ties to any of these people. If he has nothing to hide why not be truthful with the American Public and request the L. A. Times to release this videotape for us all to see. If it turns out to be nothing then at least the truth will be served.
From Obama’s 20 year association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright who has repeatedly said: ”It’s not God Bless America, No, No, No, Its God Damn America!
Obama sat in Wrights church and listened to this Treason for 20 years. Wright also performed Obama’s marriage and Baptized both of his children. Obama was an organizer for Acorn, the group now accused of massive voter registration fraud. Some working for Acorn have already been jailed for this. Obama was also Acorns lawyer for a time. Obama recently donated over $800,000 to Acorn.
He accuses Americans for “clinging to their guns and religion”.
Never in the history of the United States has any Presidential candidate had a shroud of controversy surround them as has Obama. If someone would have told me 2 years ago that anybody with these associations could get nominated for their party, or even dog catcher, much less President of the United States, I would have said your insane.
My reasons for starting this letter with the first line of the Constitution is to reference a radio interview Obama did in which he says the U. S. Supreme Court did not go far enough in attempting to provide reparations to African- Americans and that the Earl Warren edition of the Supreme Court was not liberal enough. That Court was probably the most liberal in U.S. history. It is not the job of the Supreme Court to be liberal or conservative. It is to interpret the Constitution… period. It is not to legislate from the bench based on the “general consensus of the people” as stated in a recent Supreme Court ruling, but rather to make its rulings based on the precise wording of the Constitution. If at some point “the people” wish to have any new amendment to the Constitution based on their modern day ideals, then all 50 states must ratify it….period.
This is the Obama quote from that interview with radio station WBEZ.FM in Chicago. This is not taken out of context. It is the entire quote:
“The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that”.
These are things he would NEVER say in front of a national audience. He only says and does these things when he thinks his base group is listening. In this interview he is making it clear that if elected, he would nominate Supreme Court Justices that will put forth his agenda’s, “redistribution of wealth”, his idea of “economic justice” and “redistributive change” which are other words for reparations for slavery and a Marxist redistribution of wealth which is no more than welfare.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence about ‘Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness. This PURSUIT is not a guarantee of wealth or any form of happiness, but the chance to raise one-self up. This government never has, nor ever will, nor ever should provide for anything more than this.
It is ironic that Obama’s supporters so often refer to him as a new John F. Kennedy.
Senator Obama should be reminded that it was JFK in his inaugural address that said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you country”.
That is the TRUE American Spirit !
On the issue of taxes, in effort to “spread the wealth around” he first defined the rich as making $300,000 then he said it was $250,000 then he said $200,000, then a few days ago Joe Biden said it would be $150,000. So, what’s the real number? This is more about him not being truthful with the public.
Will all of his tax schemes of taxing anyone who makes over $250,000 (or whatever it is) a year destroy our economy, yeah, just like Jimmy Carter did in the 70’s and Herbert Hoover before him. It’s not the individual that makes that much money that’s the issue. If this were only about individuals then that could be argued. But what he doesn’t tell you is what it does to businesses. Most any business that creates that much revenue MUST employ a number of people. If the business is taxed upwards of 30% or more then those jobs are gone…its that simple.
There have been a lot of charges about racism in this election from the Obama side. I personally have never been a racist. Any of you that know me, know I’ve said many times that after my Father, Muhammad Ali has been the biggest influence in my life.
But there definitely is racism in this election. 96 to 97% of African-Americans polled in this election say they will vote for Obama. Never in the history of this country has ANY candidate ever had such overwhelming numbers from any group. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian or other. The traveling Political, Racist, Circus called Acorn, which Obama worked with for years, is creating and sponsoring voter fraud across the country by registering illegal immigrants, the Dallas Cowboys and Mickey Mouse. This is no joke. Acorn has actually done this and much, much more. Their belief is win …. at any cost…. the Constitution be Dammed! If that’s not prejudice, I don’t know what is.
The books Obama has written about himself are very clear as to his true ambitions concerning his Leftist, Marxist views but the average person will not take the time to read them, In the 1920’s while in prison, a young Adolf Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) which outlined his entire plan for World Domination and the extermination of the Jewish race. No one would read it, and then when they did it was too late…. any book that was not approved by the Nazi Party was burned. The “Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx at one time, was required reading in our schools. This book is Obama’s “How To” guide with his ideal of the “Redistribution of Wealth”. If you don’t think so, go back and look at the above radio interview. Somewhere Karl Marx with his Godless, Utopian vision is laughing in delight.
If it is true that “What is Past, is Prologue” then we need look no further than Obama’s books. His blueprint is there in black and white. Literally and figuratively.
I will vote for McCain, not because I believe in all he stands for, but as a mandate against Obama, to keep him from becoming President. Yes, I will cling to my guns and my religion, and continue to believe in the Constitution, the Cornerstone of our society and trust that this is STILL a ”Government of the People, By the People, For the People”.
The point of all this is, that no matter whatever any of us encounter in life, look for the truth. The truth can and will stand up to anything. If that truth cannot stand up to scrutiny then you must see it and call it for what it truly is.
If any would be Messiah comes along and he looks like it, acts like it and smells like it then you call him what he truly is… a Marxist, in Socialist clothing!
I challenge all Americans to go back and READ the Constitution of the United States, READ the Declaration of Independence.
Decide for Yourself
God Help Us. … God Bless America
I encourage anyone who understands this letter and is moved to action, to send this letter in an email to everyone you know, to all who will listen!
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